5 Ways To Manage Cradle Cap

Here are 5 ways to manage cradle cap, which develops mainly on the scalp, ears and eyelids.

It affects around 50% of babies, usually going after a few weeks.

It doesn't cause your baby any discomfort.

It's rarely itchy and isn't contagious.

1. Wash their scalp and hair. Baby shampoo can be used to remove any skin that is scaling. It needs to be done gently so no damage is caused to the delicate skin on their scalp. You can then use a soft brush is remove the skin that has loosened

2. Gently wipe with a damp soft cloth or cotton wool. This also helps to remove any scaling. It's a good way to manage cradle cap when it affects your child's ears and eyelids. It's extremely important to be gentle when wiping the eyelids as the skin is thinner and more fragile than other other areas of the body

3. Olive oil. When the patches of cradle cap are stubborn and have become thick you can help free them by massaging a little oil into the scalp at bedtime. In the morning the patches that have loosened can be gently brushed out. You can then wash their hair and scalp with baby shampoo. Alternatives to olive oil include baby oil and coconut oil

4. Vaseline. It's a cheap and easy way to soften the skin, making it easier to remove any scaling. It is a great option if your baby has cradle cap on their ears or eyelids, but it can be used on any affected area. Rub it between your fingers to make it thinner and easier to use and apply. Leave it on the skin until the patches loosen, then wash the hair with baby shampoo

5. Limit scratching and rubbing. It's really important to try and limit any scratching and rubbing of the skin. It could lead to an infection and inflammation which will need to be treated with an antibiotic cream. One thing you could try is to buy some natural cotton mittens for your little one to wear. The mittens will make it harder for them to scratch. You could put them on their hands anytime of the day but it will be particularly helpful at night. They will limit scratching if they get hot while sleeping.

You can find out more about the symptoms and causes of cradle cap, and the best ways to treat it.

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